TNC22 closes after a great week of Face2Face reuniting

Sept. 28, 2022
TNC22 closes after a great week of Face2Face reuniting
This year’s TNC was the first #Face2FaceTNC in three years despite some ongoing challenges with international travel, so it’s remarkable and great to see that 735 participants from 69 different nations joined the conference in Trieste, with a further 500+ from 33 different nations following online. They all had the opportunity to watch 122 speakers deliver a total of 64 presentations. And everybody, in Trieste or online, took part on social media: we saw over 1,300 TNC-related posts across social media, 106,000 impressions on the @TNC_GEANT Twitter profile, and an estimated reach of over 2 million impressions worldwide across social media.
Did you manage to see everything?
Throughout the final day, participants had been treated to a choice of 12 different sessions including Cloud Services for R&E: a supplier perspective; Crisis and Solutions; From Space to the Ocean Bed; and Quantum Technologies.
Accepting the fact that we can’t all be everywhere at once (yet!) it’s reassuring then that all recorded sessions and slides from the whole conference will be available on from Monday 20 June.
Looking ahead to TNC23
With much-deserved thanks given to this year’s organisers – from the Programme Committee to the local host to the whole event team (including those from NORDUnet and PSNC), Erik then introduced the host for TNC23 – Albanian NREN- RASH who will welcome us next year in Tirana!
As Erik said in his closing remarks, “Every TNC is unique. New cities explored, new themes navigated, new friends made. TNC creates memories, and what we can always guarantee is that new memories are still to come.”